World Security News

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Message to the UN Secretary-General regarding Ukraine from Antonio Roque

Mr Antonio Guterres

Secretary-General of the United Nations

United Nations Headquarters

New York, NY 10017


Dear Secretary General,

I am writing to you today as we continue to witness the devastating war in Ukraine, I kindly urge you to use your influential position to facilitate a meeting between Russia and the United States to bring an end to this conflict.

The ongoing violence has resulted in countless innocent lives lost, families displaced, communities torn apart and indirect repercussions throughout the world. The humanitarian crisis is dire, with millions of people struggling to access basic necessities like food, water, shelter, and healthcare. It is imperative that we take immediate action to address the root causes of this conflict and work towards a lasting peace.

I firmly believe that compromise is essential in resolving this crisis. NATO’s expansion into Eastern Europe has been a significant factor contributing to Russia’s concerns about its national security. I urge you to facilitate a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden, where they can engage in open and honest dialogue to address these concerns.

Specifically, we propose the following compromise:

1. **NATO Expansion Moratorium**: The United States to possibly agree to suspend any further expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe for a set period (e.g., 5-10 years). 

2. **Ukraine’s Sovereignty**: Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are respected, with Russia acknowledging its borders within the cultural antagonisms.

3. **Security Guarantees**: Both the US and Russia provide security guarantees to each other, ensuring that neither side feels threatened by the other’s military presence or actions in Eastern Europe. Possibly even taking the positive wave to a step by step, one by one nuclear disarmament and lead the way to other countries. It can be an opportunity if viewed in a positive way.

4. **Dispute Resolution Mechanism**: A mechanism is established for resolving disputes between Russia and Ukraine, with international mediation as needed.

This compromise would allow both sides to address their concerns while working towards a peaceful resolution. It would also demonstrate that diplomacy can be an effective tool in addressing complex conflicts like the one in Ukraine. As we humanity, move head in this clash of civilizations and unification of the world.

I understand that this proposal may not be easy to implement, but I firmly believe it is worth exploring. As Secretary General of the United Nations, you have a unique opportunity to bring people together and facilitate dialogue between nations. Your leadership could make all the difference in bringing an end to this senseless war and promoting peace in Ukraine.

I would appreciate any response or update on your efforts to address this crisis. I am confident that with your guidance and diplomacy, we can work towards a brighter future for the people of Ukraine and beyond.

Thank you for considering our proposal.