World Security News

News and Information on world security issues

from Prof. Chris Hamer, President of WSC

The Coalition for a World Security Community is incorporated in the District of Columbia (United States) and New South Wales (Australia)

Copenhagen Democracy Summit 2024

The Copenhagen Democracy Summit is an annual event dedicated to strengthening the resolve of the world’s democracies by providing a high-level strategic forum focused exclusively on the cause of democracy. The seventh Copenhagen Democracy Summit took place on May 14-15th at the Royal Danish Playhouse. It was an extremely impressive event, with Ursula Von der Leyen attending in person, for instance. To view the proceedings, see the Alliance of Democracies Foundation website here. For a summary of the proceedings from the Global Democracy Coalition, see here.

2023 Summit :Copenhagen Democracy Summit 2023 – Coalition for a WSC (

G7 Summit, Italy, June

The CWSC is a transnational working group advocating the formation of a global alliance, or better a security community, of democratic nations as the best way of halting the slide to autocracy worldwide, and as first step towards a brighter future in the form of an eventual democratic world federation. The most likely starting point would seem to be an extension of the G7 into a ‘D10’ grouping, including Australia and South Korea, and possibly India, as a deterrent against any Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Several of our group had undertaken a letter-writing campaign to national leaders, trying to get this idea on the agenda for the next G7 Summit meeting, which took place in Italy in mid-June. Signatories on the letters include Chris Hamer (Australia), Didier Jacobs (Belgium), Antonio Roque and Titus Alexander (UK), Nico Heller and Andreas Bummel (Germany), and John Davenport (US). We have received acknowledgements from the offices of Justin Trudeau in Canada, and Ursula von der Leyen in Brussels.

In the event, there was no sign that our proposal appeared on the agenda. There was much discussion of aid for Ukraine, but Australia and South Korea were not even present at the Summit. Instead, Italy invited a number of countries from the Global South to attend the Summit, to discuss increasing aid for them to help prevent the hordes of refugees attempting to reach Europe.

WSC Board Member, John Davenport has had an opinion piece published recently in Newsweek with the title: Gaza, Human Shields, and the Problem of a Bomb-First Strategy. Those interested can find the piece here.