World Security News

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Food Security challenges ahead

The Dutch government wants to force 17,600 farmers to drastically reduce their herds, and it wants to completely close at least 11,600 farms. Europe gets a large portion of its food from Holland. To further exacerbate the food production crisis in Europe, the Irish government is planning to get rid of 1.3 million cattle in order to fulfill absurd climate targets. There’s no better time to start grabbing land and reducing food production than now, thanks to the human-caused climate hoax.

The New York Stock Exchange is launching an investment product in collaboration with other international asset managers. Landowners who agree to this partnership will lose control over their land and see a reduction in production. This devious scheme is based on the conservation-easement program that the Nature Conservancy created and popularized.One could be critical and advise using science to “lighten up.” The issue is that people are so ingrained in the misconception that they think drastic measures are necessary to save the planet.

These extreme measures will lead to a sharp decline in food production, a depression in the world economy, and ultimately hunger and the uncontrollable chaos it brings about.In conclusion, the loss of agricultural output has the potential to quickly turn the world into a violent, dark place unrecognizable from the Middle Ages.